If you want your brain to "grow" and "stretch," and to be happier & healthier, you'll want to read this!
What is neuroplacticity?
Neuroplacticity is the brain's amazing ability to remodel and reconfigure itself in response to experience, learning, and injury. Neuroplacticity enables us to change the more undesirable traits and characteristics that were once thought to be "hardwired" from birth, and to heal from severe brain injury. People who have suffered brain injury like a stroke or an accident, or who are genetically predisposed to having diseases or issues like Alziemers, depression, anger problems, or alcoholism CAN change, heal, and evolve for the better because of neuroplacticity & the brain's amazing malleability.
What can you do to encourage neuroplacticity?
1. Expose yourself to new experiences
2. Deliberately set out to learn new skills
3. Live with passion, enthusiasm, excitement, curiosity, and LOVE
4. Stay positive and happy-- seek out opportunities for growth & learning. When we are unhappy our ability to make wise decisions, see opportunity, and learn new things becomes radically impaired.
What is neurogenesis?
Neurogenesis is the growth of new neurons.
It was once thought that all the brain cells we will ever have are the ones we are born with, however that idea is now antiquated as science has shown us that brain cells do regenerate and grow.
What can we do to promote neurogenesis?
1. Exercise DAILY- in doing so you bring oxygen to the brain and increase your number of new nerve cells.
2. Continuously engage your mind. Constantly learn new things and maintain an environment that is environmentally rich and stimulating (Read! Learn new languages, travel, study a wide variety of subjects).
3. Social Connectedness-- Think of how ants communicate with each other in order to search out and find food. When we connect with other we learn new things and gain valueable insight on our environment and the world around us. In addition, having positive social environments of mutual trust keeps us connected, emotionally healthy, happy, and mentally sharp.
4. Live in Compassion-- studies show that living in compassion towards others creates the perfect environment for brain cell growth.
What to AVOID (What prevents neurogenesis):
Emotional Stress. Emotional stress produces toxins known as glucocorticoids in the brain which have been know to be damaging and inhibit neurogenesis.