Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Importance of Self-Acceptance & Loving Your Body

Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes and I think it's time that more of us wake up to that fact and start appreciating our bodies as they are. I love the words of Sophia Loren, who said, "Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful."

I like to compare us women to fruit. Though each of us is different in shape and size, we are all delicious in our own way! ;-) 

As silly as it would be for a pear to try to be an apple, and an apple to try to be a pear, it's a waste of our time to try and be something that we're not. I like the words of Miranda Kerr: “A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too." 
We need to begin loving and accepting our bodies. We need to begin having a health focus on health and wellness, rather than an unhealthy obsession with weight. 

I've found that when we have a healthy self-love for our bodies, everything else seems to fall into place. When we neglect and fail to take care of our bodies, all areas of our lives suffer, including our self-esteem, relationships and personal lives, and even our careers and business lives. If we want to live out the best version of ourselves, and live our best lives, we must start by taking care of our bodies. Taking care of ourselves is a reflection of self love. And the better we take care of ourselves, the more our self-love increases, increasing our self-esteem, and helping us make better life decisions. 

Here are a few things you can begin doing to show your body some more love:

- Get enough rejuvenating sleep.

- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

- Avoid an overload of toxins such as tobacco, alcohol, and cigarettes.
- Exercise daily.
- Get plenty of sunlight. 
- Manage your stress with yoga, dancing, talking with a friend, journaling, or exercise.
- Indulge a little in things that make you happy. 
- Every morning tell yourself 3 things you like about your body.
- Focus on the things you like about yourself, rather than what you don't.

I wish you all a wonderful week of self-love, gratitude, and appreciation for the beautiful bodies you have! 
Much love, 
Brigitte xo

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