Saturday, February 27, 2016

Heal Your Acne Naturally!

For many years, I struggled with severe, heartbreaking, cystic acne. Before making the dietary and lifestyle changes I implement in my life now, I had horrible acne that plagued my face and chest. It was both an emotional and physically taxing thing to have to deal with... That is, until I discovered the healing powers of food, herbs, and supplementation!  

Many people ask me why I became a vegan, or know so much about health, herbs, the body, and supplementation, and it's because of my struggle with acne. 

Tired and sick of struggling with skin issues, I sought solutions endlessly. I read every book I could on skin, health, digestion, and hormones. I began changing my diet and lifestyle and saw dramatic changes in the condition of my skin. Now, I can happily say that my cystic acne is GONE, and when I do get a minor pimple here and there because of stress or lack of sleep, I know EXACTLY what to do to make it disappear! 

I am so incredibly grateful for all of the research I came across supporting the idea that with proper diet, exercise, and nutrition, clear skin can belong to anyone. And in an effort to help as many people as possible end their struggle with acne, I've put together a guide so that you too can learn what to do to achieve and maintain clear skin!  For more information, visit ❤

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