The Pineal
Gland, also know as the "Third Eye" in many cultures, sits in your brain right behind
the pituitary gland.
It's responsible for the production of melatonin, DMT, and
a number of other important bodily functions including sleep cycles and even
things like psychic awareness, expanded or contracted consciousness, deepened spiritual understanding, and experiences with the Divine.
Unlike other parts of the brain, harmful particles like mercury can freely flow through the Pineal gland, causing something known as "calcification," or hardening, that can radically impair it from functioning at it's best, inhibiting the production of DMT and therefore reducing levels of consciousness and
"sixth sense" abilities. In addition, having a calcified pineal gland
also disrupts the production of melatonin and can lead to imbalances in your
circadian cycle and other bodily fuctions. In order to activate and de-calcify
the pineal gland there are a few simple things you can do:
To decalcify
the Pineal, you want to avoid:
1. Pesticides
(Non-organic fruits & vegetables)
2. Mercury
(Fish, flu shots)
3. Fluoride
(Toothpaste, tap water)
4. Sugar,
Caffeine, Alcohol, and Tobacco (S.C.A.T)
& Superfoods that aid Pineal Function are:
1. Chlorella,
wheatgrass, spirulina, cilantro (Anything with chlorophyll helps rid the body
of toxic chemicals)
2. Msm
3. Raw
chocolate (cacao is a super antioxidant, good for the Pineal)
4. Garlic
5. Citric acid
(a few tablespoons of lemon juice with water each morning)
6. Oregano
7. Neem
8. Tamarind
9. Activator X
(vitamin k1/k2)
10. Raw apple
cider vinegar with "the mother"
By having a
diet that is nutrient-rich, full of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, free of
excessive alcohol, processed foods, and other toxins, and by starting your mornings
off with some water and lemon juice, or a green juice, and getting enough sleep
and sunlight, you'll be doing your pineal gland, and your entire body, a huge
Wishing you all healthy brains, bodies, and pineal glands! :-)