Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Natural Facial Cleansers

I recently got a question from Genevieve, who wrote:

Hi Brigitte! Let me start off by saying that I really love your blog! I just decided to start following a vegan diet and your blog is definitely one of the easier to understand and informative blogs out there! That being said, I do have a question; what do you recommend for facial care products? I am trying to eliminate harsh chemicals from my skin care routine as well, and I use coconut oil to wash my face but I really want to start using chemical free make up, lotion, etc. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you so much!

When it comes to maintaining clear and beautiful skin, there are definitely certain things you want to avoid: Such as inorganic products that are animal tested, full of chemicals, preservatives, and other unwanted harmful substances that strip the skin of its natural and necessary oils. Our skin needs those oils to prevent dryness, premature aging, and damage. In order to have youthful and healthy skin, and to heal from any blemishes, you want the skin to be as clean as possible, as often as possible. This means avoiding the use of makeup whenever you are able to, as it allows the skin to breathe and repair damaged tissues. This also means using organic, natural, non-comedogenic products that are as close to the earth as possible. Non-comedogenic means it is a product has been specially formulated as to not cause pore-blockages. When it comes to skin care, I don’t even bother buying expensive creams or products. I simply cleanse my face with essential oils, natural astringents, makeup removers, and moisturizers, and fruit facial masks! All of these are completely harmless, and as close to nature as you can possibly get when it comes to skin care. Here are a few of my personal favorites:

Seabuckthorn- Seabuckthorn is useful in the treatment of acne when taken internally or applied externally. Internally it helps boost the immunity, balance hormones, and reduce inflammation. When applied externally, seabuckthorn softens, soothes, and strengthens the skin, reducing inflammation, irritation, scarring, and swelling and is helpful in the treatment of acne as well as a variety of other skin disorders. Seabuckthorn comes in the form of oil which can be applied topically, and is also in many natural soaps that can be used for cleansing the skin. One of my favorite Seabuckthorn products is David Wolfe’s Best Skin EVER serum, which contains Seabuckthorn, Lavender, and other essential oils that are healing to the skin.

Lavender Oil- Lavender kills bacteria and stimulates new cl growth. It is a great antibiotic and antiseptic and can be directly applied to the individual blemishes.
Tea Tree Oil- A natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It can be used with just a few drops in water to wash your face with. 

Vitamin E Oil- Vitamin E oil helps heal scars and retains skin moisture. You can buy the oil or buy them in capsule form and then break them open. Cleanse the face without drying it, and then apply the oil and leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing. For daytime use, use 5000 IU of Vitamin E for a less glistening effect.

Witch Hazel-When applied topically, witch hazel has astringent and healing properties. It also works to reduce itching and is a useful ingredient when it comes to skin care.

Rose Oil-A natural Antiseptic, Antibacterial, and Bactericidal, a few drops of rose oil can be added to water and used to cleanse the face.

Apple Cider Vinegar- Mix 1 part Apple Cider Vinegar with 10 parts water and apply to the affected area of skin. Doing this will help keep the skins pH balanced.  

Sandalwood- An age-old Ayurvedic treatment for skin disorders, sandalwood works by removing excess oils and bacteria from the face that would normally cause breakouts. Sandalwood has antiviral, anticarcinogenic, and bactericidal properties. It can be purchased in oil form, or in a natural soap.

African Black Soap- African black soap is a natural cleanser and great alternative to the harsh chemicals found in stores. While it does not work to remove existing acne, it works by naturally removing the excessive oil and bacteria which caused the acne in the first place. All it consists of is cocoa pod, roasted plantain skins, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, palm oil and natural sodium. I use the soap made by Shea Moisture.

For more information on healing blemishes and maintaining clear skin, check out my guide-book How to Heal Acne Naturally now available on

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Importance of Self-Acceptance & Loving Your Body

Women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes and I think it's time that more of us wake up to that fact and start appreciating our bodies as they are. I love the words of Sophia Loren, who said, "Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful."

I like to compare us women to fruit. Though each of us is different in shape and size, we are all delicious in our own way! ;-) 

As silly as it would be for a pear to try to be an apple, and an apple to try to be a pear, it's a waste of our time to try and be something that we're not. I like the words of Miranda Kerr: “A rose can never be a sunflower, and a sunflower can never be a rose. All flowers are beautiful in their own way, and that’s like women too." 
We need to begin loving and accepting our bodies. We need to begin having a health focus on health and wellness, rather than an unhealthy obsession with weight. 

I've found that when we have a healthy self-love for our bodies, everything else seems to fall into place. When we neglect and fail to take care of our bodies, all areas of our lives suffer, including our self-esteem, relationships and personal lives, and even our careers and business lives. If we want to live out the best version of ourselves, and live our best lives, we must start by taking care of our bodies. Taking care of ourselves is a reflection of self love. And the better we take care of ourselves, the more our self-love increases, increasing our self-esteem, and helping us make better life decisions. 

Here are a few things you can begin doing to show your body some more love:

- Get enough rejuvenating sleep.

- Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

- Avoid an overload of toxins such as tobacco, alcohol, and cigarettes.
- Exercise daily.
- Get plenty of sunlight. 
- Manage your stress with yoga, dancing, talking with a friend, journaling, or exercise.
- Indulge a little in things that make you happy. 
- Every morning tell yourself 3 things you like about your body.
- Focus on the things you like about yourself, rather than what you don't.

I wish you all a wonderful week of self-love, gratitude, and appreciation for the beautiful bodies you have! 
Much love, 
Brigitte xo

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

How to Break the Cycle of Emotional Eating

Today I'm going to shed some light on emotional eating, and what you can do to stop it. 
First of all, I'd like to address the question, "What is Emotional Eating?"

Emotional eating occurs when there is a "trigger," usually a stressful situation, tragedy, or loss of some sort that causes us to crave fat-saturated, unhealthy foods. The reason this happens is because when our bodies are in a state of stress, they need more energy (sugar, carbs, fats) to cope with or "cover up" that stress.

 Naturally, we'll begin to crave things that are high in sugar and far in order to compensate for the stress we are feeling. However, the problem is not that we are craving these things, the problem lies in what we are giving our bodies in order to satisfy that craving. Most people will turn to a fast source of energy such as candy, donuts, ice cream, cheese, pizza, and other junk foods for comfort. This then puts our bodies into a "food coma"  where we experience a state of bliss. The aftermath however, is the hangover. After the sugar-high comes the crash, and our bodies experience fatigue, nausea, constipation, bloating, and heaviness. In addition, people who binge eat also experience a sense of guilt, asking themselves "Why did I do that" and battling with thoughts of "I shouldn't be eating this." So what's the solution to putting an end to emotional eating?

The problem is not the fact that we are experiencing the craving, but what we fuel our body to supplement that craving. The body is having that craving for a reason, because it needs energy to keep functioning. But in order to break the cycle of emotional eating, we have to give our bodies highly-nutritional, energy-enhancing foods. Junk foods, sugary foods, processed foods, and meats all require a lot of energy for the body to digest. So while they may provide an initial energy boost, they put our bodies into a slump later. Eating nutrient-rich foods, low in calories, but dense in nutritional value is the best way to ensure you're giving your body what it needs and kick those cravings to the curb. For fast energy, try a banana, blueberry, and almond milk smoothie, green-vegetable juice, or banana-chia seed pudding. All of those will provide your body with the nutrients and energy it needs to get you through a stressful situation. 

The most important thing you can do to end emotional eating is to first recognize it. Ask yourself, "Am I eating this because I'm actually hungry? Or am I just sad/ bored/stressed/ unsatisfied with life?" 
The next step would be to directly address the issue, and what I mean by this is choosing to reach for some delicious fruit, rather than a bag of Cheetos. 
In addition to that, recognize and identify what "triggers" the emotional eating in the first place, and then have a healthy form of stress management to deal with it. Go for a walk or run, journal, talk to a trusted friend or family member, engage in an activity you enjoy, or just get some rest. 

Do these things, and you'll be well on your way to ending the habit of emotional eating! 

Have a great week everyone! :-) 

Friday, May 15, 2015

The 3 Keys to a Healthy Brain: Neuro-Nutrition, Neuro-Stimulation, and Neuro-Relaxation

I'm passionate about coming to new understandings and discoveries of the brain, but I'm even more enthused by sharing that information with others! Everything we do is based on what is occurring in the body's main "control center:" Our Brains. So if they aren't functioning properly, it can wreak havoc on our lives. Therefore, taking care of this 3 pound gem is of the utmost importance! Having struggled first hand for many years with severe depression due to lack of properly taking care of my brain, I can testify that this is certainly true! I've come to realize that taking good care of our brains is key to having a successful, abundant, prosperous, and happy life! And who doesn't want that!? :D 
Here are 3 Keys to maintaining a Healthy Brain! :-) 

Step 1: Neuro-Nutriton (Feed Yo' Brain)
In order to have a healthy brain, it's important to make sure we're giving it the right "fuel" it needs to function optimally. This means having a balanced diet of healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the brain's preferred source of energy, and if you've ever talked to anyone on a low-carb diet, you'd see the impact reflected in their mood and energy levels. For your brain's sake it's also extremely important to keep hydrated, and avoid toxins or junk foods. 
For optimal brain function, start your day off with a protein- packed breakfast. This will help elevate neurotransmitters that keep your brain sharp and energized. Avoid white carbs at all costs! (The list of what to avoid is below), as these will impair your brains ability to function.
My personal favorite breakfasts are making a chia seed pudding with fruit, having a bowl of sprouted buckwheat "cereal," or a coconut-quinoa bowl! :-)
For lunch, try to keep things light with a salad topped with nuts, avocado, or protein. Eating too many carbs can put you into a sluggish afternoon and maybe even a slumber!
For dinner, having a meal of healthy carbs is ideal for helping the brain and body relax and unwind. This will stimulate the production of serotonin, and as a result, should help you sleep better. Potatoes with salad, brown rice, or gluten free pasta with a side of sauteed vegetables are all great options. For dessert, having some berries or fruit is a great way to get the "good" kind of carbs your body needs to wind down for the day. 

Best Brain Foods:
  • Reds- Tomatoes, Red Bell Peppers, Raspberries, Strawberries, Red Apples
  • Greens-Broccoli, Spinach, Avocado, Arugula, Watercresss, Spirulina, Kelp, Seaweed
  • Purples- Grapes, Onions, Plums
  • Blues- Blueberries and Blackberries
  • Nuts- Walnuts, Pistachios, Almonds
  • Seeds- Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower, Flax
  • Proteins-Chia Seeds, Sprouted Buckwheat, Quinoa 

Foods to Avoid: 
  • Trans Fatty Acids (TFAs or Partially Hydrogenated Oils)- Are often used in things like salad dressings (be sure to check the labels), margarine, and baked goods (like donuts, crackers, bagels, croissants, pretzels, chips, biscuits, cakes), as well as most fried foods (like chicken, burgers, potato chips, etc). 
  • Hi-Fructose Corn Syrup- Is found in sodas, many bottled drinks, candy bars, cereals, bread, ketchup, canned fruit, and syrups.
  • White (Simple) Carbs- Found in fruit flavored yogurt, sodas, candy, processed foods, and products containing  white flour (bread, bagels, donuts, pasta, chips, pretzels, pizza), and excess alcohol or sweetened alcohol drinks. 

Step 2: Neuro-Stimulation (If Ya Don't Use It, Ya Lose It!)
Just like with any other muscle of the body, the brain needs to be trained and have regular "work outs" in order for it to stay sharp and healthy. Like the rest of the body, if you don't use it, you lose it! A few things you can do to maintain a stimulated brain are reading books, learning new things (like an instrument, painting, jewelry making, or any skill that appeals to you), engage in new experiences, play brain games (like Sudoku, Adult Jeopardy, Speed Chess, Speed Crossword Puzzles, fast-paced card games (like bridge, poker, hearts). Websites like Lumosity also provide great brain-training and stimulating games. 

Step 3: Neuro-Relaxation (Relax Yo' Brain)
Many of our brains are over-worked and over-stressed, which can lead to a multitude of health issues later down the line if not properly addressed. One of the keys to having a healthy brain is learning how to properly manage stress. Some highly effective ways proven to alleviate stress include exercising, journaling, dancing, getting a massage, or meditating. 
Taking some time each day to relax, sit down, close your eyes, and count to ten while taking deep breaths can work wonders for relieving stress from the brain and the entire body!

I hope you found these tips for maintaining a happy, healthy brain useful. If you'd like to read more you can check out my article "Love Your Brain! 6 Things You Can Do for a Happier, Healthier Brain!"

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Raw Vegan Chocolate Milk!

I have to be honest, this is one of the BEST chocolate milks I have ever tasted. And I hope you'll enjoy it too! To make this chocolate milk, simply follow my Raw Vegan Almond Milk Recipe, and then add a few dates, some agave nectar, and a few tablespoons of raw cacao power and voilĂ , you've got yourself one amazing chocolatey treat! :D

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Raw Vegan Almond Milk

Fresh, homemade, Unpasteurized, hormone-free, creamy, and delicious, Raw Almond Milk! Can it get any better?! :D
To make this milk, Simply blend 4 cups of water with 1 cup of soaked almonds (8-12 hours soaked), 2-3 Medjool dates, 2 tbsp agave nectar or honey, and 1/2 of a scraped vanilla bean or 1 tbsp of vanilla extract. Then enjoy with a smoothie, cereal, or drink on its own! Enjoy!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Super-Foods of the Week: Matcha Green Tea & Wheat-grass

Green tea is an amazing superfood! Being a moderate source of caffeine, it’s been known to help improve brain function and stimulate fat loss. Green tea is also full of antioxidants known as polyphenols (such as flavonoids and catechins). These antioxidants reduce harmful free-radicals ability to cause damage to the body as well as reduce the risk of diseases like cancer and Type II diabetes. A powerful anti-bacterial, green tea is also an essential for maintaining good dental health and reducing the risk of infection. My favorite thing about it, however, is that it’s been shown to increase the length of your telomeres. Telomeres are the caps at the end of your DNA that prevent it from unraveling and causing degenerative diseases. When you drink green tea you’re doing your body a favor by stimulating brain function, improving metabolism, killing harmful bacteria, and helping prevent degenerative disease by lengthening your telomeres and getting your dose of antioxidants!
Wheat-grass is an amazing cleanser and detoxifier. It also acts as an energizer for the body, appetite suppressant, internal deodorizer, and antibiotic. Full of chlorophyll, wheatgrass is a powerful blood builder and also a natural anti-carcinogenic. It protects the body against harmful chemicals, and also helps reduce sinus problems.

To make this absolutely yummy Green Tea Energy-Boosting, Vitality Smoothie you will need:
1 fresh mint stalk
1 teaspoon wheatgrass
1 tablespoon of matcha green tea powder
A few cups of frozen mangoes
& Coconut water to blend

Then top it with your favorite goodies, I put almond slices, chia seeds, cacao nibs, and blackberries. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy! :- ) 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Raw Vegan Mint Chocolate "Nice Cream"

One bite of this mint-chocolate banana ice cream will have you transported straight to bliss. This tasty treat is incredibly simple to make. You will need:

  • 6 frozen bananas 
  • 1 tablespoon of mint 
  • A handful of spinach
  • 1 Tablespoon of cacao powder

Blend 3 frozen bananas with the 1 tablespoon of mint and a handful of spinach. Next, separately blend the other 3 bananas with 1 tablespoon of cacao powder. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy! ;-) 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Super-Food of the Week: Reasons Why I LOVE Sprouted Buckwheat

Lately I’ve been starting my mornings off with a bowl of Raw, Vegan "Cereal" made with sprouted buckwheat, home-made almond milk, and any fruit I wish to pair with it. Typically I'll just add a few dates and gogi berries and I am set! :D
What makes me most happy about this delicious breakfast is that it’s so highly nutritional! Here are just a few reasons why I so LOVE sprouted buckwheat! 

Reason #1: It's Packed with Protein.
Sprouted buckwheat is one of the most complete sources of protein on the planet, containing all eight of the essential amino acids. 

Reason #2: It’s been known to help balance blood sugar levels and lower high blood pressure. This makes it an ideal option for diabetics or anyone wanting to cut down on sugar. 

Reason #3: It Acts as a Detoxifying Agent. 
Sprouted buckwheat cleanses the colon and alkalizes the body, aiding in detoxifying and restoring balance. 

Reason #4: It's Good for the Heart.
An amazing superfood, sprouted buckwheat is also full of Rutin, a compound known for strengthening capillary walls, and useful for those with varicose veins, hardened arteries, or hemorrhoids. 

Reason #5: It Works Wonders for Boosting Brain-Power!
In addition, sprouted buckwheat is also rich in Lecithin. Lecithin neutralizes toxins, purifies the lymphatic system, and balances cholesterol. Our brains are composed of 28% lecithin, and research has shown that consuming foods rich in  Lecithin can prevent and decrease symptoms of anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, brain fog, and make the brain all-around happier and healthier. 

Reason #6: It's Packed with Essential Nutrients. 
High in iron, boron, calcium, Co-Q10, magnesium, B vitamins, manganese, and selenium, Sprouted Buckwheat helps build blood, prevent osteoporosis, maintain a healthy heart, improve mood and nerve function, and promote general well-being. 

Talk about an amazing SUPER-Food! :D 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Super-Food of the Week: 5 Reasons I Love Chia Seeds

One of my favorite meals to make for breakfast is a Raw, Vegan Chia Seed "Oatmeal." To make this "oatmeal" simply blend 1 cup of soaked almonds with 3 cups of water, then soak the Chia seeds for 3-12 hours. Add cinnamon, honey, vanilla, fresh fruit, or whatever other natural ingredients to flavor it to your liking! Full of omega 3's, high in fiber, calcium, complete protein, and vitamins, to me, chia seeds are an ideal way to start the day! Here are a few reasons why I love these little nutrient-packed seeds!

Reason #1: Chia seeds are packed with Protein.
Chia Seeds are often referred to as "the runner's food" for providing amazing energy without feeling jittery or causing a "crash" later on. The reason for this is because they are packed with protein, and they are a complete protein at that. 

Reason #2: Chia Seeds are full of Fiber.
Chia seeds contain more fiber than whole wheat bread, helping you stay full throughout the morning and helping promote regulation and elimination of toxins. In addition, staying full longer can contribute to healthy weight reduction and maintaining a healthy body mass index.

Reason #3: Chia Seeds Balance Blood Sugar.

Chia seed's ability to slow down digestion is one of the reasons it's been used to help treat type 2 diabetes. In addition, the gelatinous coating surrounding the seed can also help prevent blood-sugar spikes. 

Reason #4: Chia Seeds are Good for the Brain.
Not only does protein promote the production of brain-stimulating neurotransmitters, but Chia seeds are full of Omega 3's. In fact, they have more Omega 3's than salmon per serving. Omega 3's are also vital to heart, skin, and joint health. 

Reason #5: Chia Seeds are Full of  Calcium.
Chia seeds are full of calcium and can therefore help support health bones and teeth! For those of you who maintain a completely plant-based diet, Chia seeds are a great source of calcium and alternative to drinking milk. 

You can trade in your eggs, coffee, whole wheat toast, and milk in the morning for some chia seed and still get the protein, energy, fiber, and calcium you need to fuel your day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


I had some left over coconut cream from the watermelon cake that I made the other day, so I decided to chop up some bananas, and top it with the cream and some Dang toasted coconut chips. And I have to say, it was De-lish! It's incredibly simple to make as all you need are the coconut chips, bananas, and coconut cream (You can find the recipe by clicking here).
Enjoy! :-) 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Watermelon Cake!

When I came across this watermelon "cake" on the internet I immediately knew I had to try it! It's super simple to prepare, and a delicious, refreshing alternative to regular cake.

To make this "cake" you will need: 

  • 1 Medium- Large sized watermelon
  • Raw Almond Slices (Preferably Activated)
  • Berries of Your Choice
  • And all the ingredients for my coconut cream recipe which you can find by clicking here.

All you need to do is cut off the top and bottom of the watermelon, and then cut off the remaining shell so that the watermelon meat is cylinder shaped. Next, cover it with your coconut cream, top with berries, and adorn with almond slices. And voilĂ ! You have yourself a beautiful, delicious, and nutritious watermelon cake! 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Amazingly Delicious Coconut Cream

I made a coconut cream the other day that was so good, I literally had my friends and family eating it from a bowl as if it were a soup! As delicious as it is just on it's own, this recipe is fantastic for using as an icing for your raw vegan cakes, or as a delightful dip or topping for fruits (I just tried some with strawberries, bananas, and a watermelon "cake" and it was AH-MAZING!). I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! :-) 

To make this Coconut Cream, you will need: 
1 Young Coconut (Use both the water and the pulp)
2 Cups of Cashews (Soaked for 2 hours and drained)
1 1/2 tablespoons of Coconut Nectar
1 1/2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 Vanilla Bean (Scraped)
Pinch of Sea Salt (Optional) 

Then simply blend all the ingredients together in a food processor, and you'll be ready to enjoy this delightful coconut cream! Enjoy! ;-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Rainbow Diet

Yellow heartGreen heartBlue heartPurple heart
Did you know that each differently pigmented fruit and vegetable has certain phytonutrients and chemical components specified to various needs of the body? This is why it's so important to have the most COLORFUL diet possible! Here are a few benefits of eating from each of the colors of the Rainbow:RainbowRainbowRainbow
Red appleStrawberryCherriesREDS: Are known to help promote a healthy cardiovascular system and promote healthy aging. They contain powerful photo-chemicals and antioxidants like lycopene, resveratrol, and proanthocyanin which have the ability to reduce oxidative stress on the body. To get the best of the reds, eat Apples, Cranberries, Gogi Berries, Pomegranate, Red Bell Peppers, Strawberries, and Tomatoes.
TangerineTangerineTangerineORANGE: These are Powerful SparklesIMMUNITY BOOSTERSSparkles protecting against harmful illness-causing bacteria and invaders! Full of Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, zinc, and selenium, these foods help strengthen the immune system and act as the "line of defense" against infection and disease. Foods like Carrot, Orange, Orange Bell Peppers, Red Lentils, and Sweet Potato all aid in keeping your immune system in check! Heavy check mark
Yellow heartBananaEar of maizeYELLOWS: Have ANTI-INFLAMATORY properties due to their yellow flavonoids and carotenoids. Inflammation is a condition linked to numerous health issues like heart disease, diabetes,cancer, arthritis, and dementia. The best yellow foods you can eat are Ginger, Golden Beets, Pineapple, Rainier Cherries, Saffron, Tumeric, and Yellow Chili Peppers PineappleEar of maizeBananaSparkles
Green heartGreen appleSeedlingCactusGREENS: DETOXIFYGlowing star Green foods contain chlorophyll, which has been shown to both neutralize & eliminate toxins like heavy metals, industrial pollutants, and pesticides. Many of them are also sulfur rich, containing a compound known as glucosinates that trigger detoxifying enzymes in the body. The best green-things you can eat are: Artichoke, Brocolli, Brussels Sprouts, Cilantro, Parsley, Chlorella, Green Tea, Kale, Wheatgrass, And Red Beets with their GreensSeedlingGreen heartSparkles
Blue heartPurple heart BLUES: are BRAIN BOOSTING! If you've ever struggled with "feeling blue," then it's time to get some more blues in your diet! Blue foods are rich in a compound called Anthcyanin, which is shown to help the brain recover from trauma and prevent brain degeneration. The best Blues to eat are:Black Beans, Blackberries, Blueberries, Eggplant, Plums, Purple Cabbage, Purple Grapes, Avocados,and Flax Seed.Aubergine/eggplantGrapes
Here's to optimized health and healing with Nature! Yellow heartGreen heartBlue heartPurple heart