Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Super-Food of the Week: 5 Reasons I Love Chia Seeds

One of my favorite meals to make for breakfast is a Raw, Vegan Chia Seed "Oatmeal." To make this "oatmeal" simply blend 1 cup of soaked almonds with 3 cups of water, then soak the Chia seeds for 3-12 hours. Add cinnamon, honey, vanilla, fresh fruit, or whatever other natural ingredients to flavor it to your liking! Full of omega 3's, high in fiber, calcium, complete protein, and vitamins, to me, chia seeds are an ideal way to start the day! Here are a few reasons why I love these little nutrient-packed seeds!

Reason #1: Chia seeds are packed with Protein.
Chia Seeds are often referred to as "the runner's food" for providing amazing energy without feeling jittery or causing a "crash" later on. The reason for this is because they are packed with protein, and they are a complete protein at that. 

Reason #2: Chia Seeds are full of Fiber.
Chia seeds contain more fiber than whole wheat bread, helping you stay full throughout the morning and helping promote regulation and elimination of toxins. In addition, staying full longer can contribute to healthy weight reduction and maintaining a healthy body mass index.

Reason #3: Chia Seeds Balance Blood Sugar.

Chia seed's ability to slow down digestion is one of the reasons it's been used to help treat type 2 diabetes. In addition, the gelatinous coating surrounding the seed can also help prevent blood-sugar spikes. 

Reason #4: Chia Seeds are Good for the Brain.
Not only does protein promote the production of brain-stimulating neurotransmitters, but Chia seeds are full of Omega 3's. In fact, they have more Omega 3's than salmon per serving. Omega 3's are also vital to heart, skin, and joint health. 

Reason #5: Chia Seeds are Full of  Calcium.
Chia seeds are full of calcium and can therefore help support health bones and teeth! For those of you who maintain a completely plant-based diet, Chia seeds are a great source of calcium and alternative to drinking milk. 

You can trade in your eggs, coffee, whole wheat toast, and milk in the morning for some chia seed and still get the protein, energy, fiber, and calcium you need to fuel your day!

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